“American Idol”: Thanks for the White Lion memories

As a child of the ’80s, I have a soft place in my heart for the music of that time.

Mike Tramp: You bet your sweet bippy this poster was hanging on my bedroom wall.

All through high school, I was uh-bsessed with Duran Duran. And somewhere along the line, my tastes branched out from New Wave to the unfortunately labeled “hair bands.” Oh, I loved them all… Winger, Whitesnake, Warrant (why do they all begin with “W”?), Def Leppard, Slaughter, L.A. Guns, Bang Tango, Bon Jovi (Jersey, holla!)… you get the picture. But one of my favorites from that time was that other “W” band – you know, the one with the super hot Danish lead singer whose sculpted cheekbones clearly were carved by Michelangelo.

Yep, I’m talkin’ White Lion.

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