Only in Jersey: 3/21/12

Happy Hump Day, everyone! Time for another edition of Only in Jersey!

If it’s filming in Jersey, takes place in Jersey, or is about celebs from Jersey, you will find it here.

Sayreville’s native son Jon Bon Jovi gets the Oprah treatment when the rock singer is featured in “Oprah’s Master Class,” airing at 10 p.m. Sunday on OWN. In an exclusive clip to “Entertainment Tonight,” Jon gives credit for his success in the music business to his hometown mentor. “And a man by the name of Al Parinello moved in across the street from my childhood home, and he was in a club band,” Jon reveals. “He was like, a hip guy, and he showed us how to play songs – and he showed me how to play ‘House of the Rising Sun.’ … When you learn a song, you start to think about songs, when you think about songs you want to write songs. When you write songs, you get to be here… Thanks to his encouragement, I stayed with it.”

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“Jersey Shore”: Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water

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Guess what? They’re baaaaaaaaaack!!!

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And from the looks of things, the “Jersey Shore” cast is GTL’ing and acting as insanely idiotic as ever (thank God).

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“Jersey Shore”: Oscar edition

Summer at the Jersey Shore is still several months away, but the cast members of the hit MTV series of the same name remain red hot.

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The sextet appeared on another hilarious segment of “Tonight Show with Jay Leno” this week, where they do what they do best: parody themselves. And hey, it works well for them. (And I give The Situation major points for having more of a clue than the rest of the bunch.)

Case in point: The group took time out from their busy GTL schedules to film several clips spoofing several Oscar-nominated films for TBS’ “Lopez Tonight” – and proved that they are indeed funniest when they stick to mocking themselves…

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“Jersey Shore”: You give New Jersey a good name?

Working out, tanning, doing laundry, drinking, clubbing, creeping, fist pumping and fist fighting. Who knew that “Jersey Shore” would give the Garden State such a great reputation?

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Nobody, including me. But according to a new poll, MTV’s highly enjoyable train wreck of a reality show has actually improved peoples’ perceptions of the Garden State.

Yup, you read that right: People who’ve watched those self-proclaimed guidos and guidettes fist-pumping at Karma actually like New Jersey more than those who have not seen the show!

That is, at least according to PublicMind, a recent national poll conducted by the state’s own Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Here’s the details: Three out of five respondents who’ve seen the show look favorably upon Joisey, compared to 44% of those who haven’t seen it. Meanwhile, one out of five people who have seen “Jersey Shore” (that’s 20%) has an unfavorable view of the most densely populous state in the nation, and about one in five who has not seen the show (or 18%) has a negative perception of the state.

“While we can’t be sure that ‘Jersey Shore’ is making people like New Jersey more, it certainly doesn’t seem to be hurting,” concluded Dan Cassino, survey analyst for PublicMind and a Fairleigh Dickinson political science professor, in a press release. “It could be that people who already have a favorable view of New Jersey are simply more likely to watch the show, while those who don’t like Jersey aren’t going to watch the show anyway.”

However, the survey does not address the show’s portrayal of Italian-Americans, who are referred to as “guidos” and “guidettes,”* and their penchant for GTL’ing the day away.

“I don’t think anyone would claim that the TV show has anything to do with the real New Jersey,” Cassino said. “Still, the image it portrays doesn’t seem to be hurting the state as some have feared.”

The poll also indicated that when the show’s viewers think of New Jersey they tend to speak about the Shore, boardwalk and ocean (13%) more than non-viewers do (8%).

“New Jersey has been using ad campaigns to build awareness of the Shore for years,” Cassino explained. “Legislators may not be happy with how the state is being portrayed, but the show links New Jersey to its beaches, which is a much better focus than the turnpike.”
Amen to that!
*It’s recently been revealed in the tabloids that at least three of the “Jersey Shore” cast members – Snooki, J-Woww and Ronnie – are not even of Italian descent.

Jersey-tastic: “Jersey Shore” and “Chelsea Lately”

After being bombarded by two brand-new episodes of “Jersey Shore” last night (both of them drama-filled), it’s hard to believe that the show is coming to an end next week.

Hopefully, just because the show’s first season – it supposedly has been renewed for a second, according to castmate Vinny – is almost over doesn’t mean that the cast (primarily Snooki, The Situation and Pauly D) won’t continue doing hilarious appearances like last night’s interview on “Chelsea Lately.”

Not surprisingly, New Jersey came up in conversation (how could it not?).

After discovering that Pauly is from Providence, Rhode Island, Livingston native Chelsea Handler asked Snooki where she was from.

“Upstate New York,” she replied.

“So this should be called New York,” Chelsea concluded. “New York and Rhode Island, actually.”

In addition to learning that The Situation and Snooki *hooked up* (choose your definition), Chelsea quizzed the trio on their recent run-ins with the Hollywood elite – who apparently are fans of the show, too.

“We were with Kevin Connolly (“Entourage”) the whole night,” The Situation explained of an outing this week. “And he’s like, ‘Oh, I want to bring you to this VIP table.’ And all of a sudden, we walk over and somebody’s got a hat on and (Kevin’s) like, ‘Oh, I want you to meet somebody.’

“I look up and it’s Leo (Leonardo DiCaprio). He’s like, ‘GTL, baby.'”

For the uninitiated, GTL was introduced in last week’s “Jersey Shore” episode and refers to Pauly and The Situation’s daily routine of gym, tan and laundry.